Now is the time on sprockets where we talk about stuff what I have been watching on the television box!
Finished the second season of The Wire just before going to Philadelphia earlier this month. Tight, clever, well-paced, heartbreaking and hilarious by turns: all the things people have been telling me for five or six years and more. And self-
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I'm not gonna lie: this trip report is mostly going to be me flailing about how music saves my life, and probably not in fact all that interesting, except that I really want to have a record of it, and I don't do a whole lot in the way of ~personal~ journalling lately, and it does fall under the vague auspices of this "fannish" journal. SO THERE
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Home now. Saw the big damn wizard movie (twice), also Transformers; read The Happy Return, A Ship of the Line, Flying Colours, The Commodore and Lord Hornblower - and you'd best believe I have a heck of a lot to say re: all of the above. Probably did serious damage to my liver, but that ain't exactly news. Details, flist, comment replies et cetera
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Messages here, or to athwartships at gmail, or (best) via txt, which is probably the only one I'll actually be checking while gone. PORNOGRAPHY WELCOME, obvs.